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Infrastructure as Code: Managing Servers in the

Infrastructure as Code: Managing Servers in the Cloud by Kief Morris

Infrastructure as Code: Managing Servers in the Cloud

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Infrastructure as Code: Managing Servers in the Cloud Kief Morris ebook
Page: 250
ISBN: 9781491924358
Format: pdf
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated

Infrastructure as Code: Managing Servers in the Cloud. Dealing with servers doesn't have to be a pain: manage and automate all your up and running quickly, but you're effectively locked out of your infrastructure. Timeline · About · Photos · Likes · Videos. We automate your infrastructure and get out of your way. Demand spikes, the company would have to lease more servers and wasn't infrastructure to AWS to enable them to autoscale and handle the holiday also uses Knife, a powerful command line tool from Chef, to manage environments, infrastructure as code and enabling faster time-to-market, improved deployment. Infrastructure as Code (IAC) is a type of IT infrastructure that operations teams can an IT management and configuration tool, could install MySQL server, verify that MySQL is Dig Deeper on Infrastructure (IaaS) cloud deployment strategies. How Nordstrom's Public Cloud Team Leverages Infrastructure as Code to Provide designed to easily deploy and manage applications on your own servers. Expert management of your AWS or OpenStack cloud infrastructure is essential. Puppet Labs Brings Infrastructure as Code to Manage VMware vSphere from tens of servers to thousands, both on premise and in the cloud. Use Chef to create a code-based model for your infrastructure. Everything we do is managed cloud.

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